A port is being set up at Thiruvotriyoor Kuppam in Tiruvallur district at an estimated cost of Rs. 200 crore with the contribution from the Central Fisheries and Fisheries Development Fund (FIDF), which is functioning with an objective to enhance the quality of life of the fishermen community and the financial assistance from the Government of Tamil Nadu. Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Mr. L. Murugan inspected the works at the site personally today and reviewed the works under progress.
Discussing with the authorities, he reviewed the works being carried out on the ports at various areas including Thiruvotriyoor, Tharangambadi and Nagapattinam districts in Tamil Nadu. The Union Minister asked the authorities to expedite the works relating to the ports. He said the port, to be set up in Thiruvotriyoor Kuppam, could provide direct and indirect employment to 8,000 people.
He also said that the sponge farming program, which is being carried out with the assistance from the Central government, should be expedited and proper training should be imparted to fishermen and fisheries farmers.
He asked the officials about the status of the works under execution in Tamil Nadu under the Matsaya Sampatha Yojana scheme. Mr. Jawahar, Additional Secretary, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Tamil Nadu and Mr. Palanichamy, Director, Fisheries Department were present during the review meeting.