TPCC wants EC teams to visit every house to correct voters lists

Hyderabad: TPCC Senior Vice President G. Niranjan today demanded that EC teams should go to ground level to find out lacuna in the system.

Speaking to mediapersons in Gandhi Bhavan here, Niranjan said the facts will be known if the Election Commission team from Delhi conducts a field level inspection of voters lists.
Preparation of voter list is an important aspect of conducting elections. Deadline for house to house verification of voter list ended today as per the instructions of the Election Commission. The verification has not been done anywhere, he deplored. The EC team should disclose what they observed in the interaction with the BLOs. “At least if you go to some houses in Hyderabad city, you will know whether house to house verification has been done or not.

Without house to house verification, incorrect voter lists cannot be corrected”, he said, adding the existing BLOs do not have the knowledge or understanding to correct the voter list.  They don’t even know how to operate the BLO app. “The Congress party requested for an appointment with the EC team to discuss these matters but it is regrettable that they asked us to come to Delhi on June 28 instead of giving time here,” he added. He also said the State and District Election Officers should openly bring to the attention of the Election Commission the problems they are facing. If the Election Commission team from Delhi only talks to the officials and reports to the Election Commission as  that everything is fine, it is nothing but negligence on their part and damaging the democracy and Election system, he said.