Secunderabad: Southern Command Investiture Ceremony conducted at Madras Engineers Group and Centre, Bengaluru under the aegis of HQ Dakshin Bharat Area on January 12 and 13. Lieutenant General Ajai Kumar Singh, General Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Command presented the gallantry and the distinguished awards to 40 Army personnel and 24 Units of Southern Command for their outstanding contribution in various field.

The grand Investiture Ceremony witnessed an impressive march past by six contingents from Madras Engineers Group and Centre, Madras Regimental Centre, Bombay Engineers Group and Centre, Mahar Regimental Centre, Para Regimental Centre and Arty Centre (Nashik & Hyderabad) culminating into many major attractions such as Weapon and Equipment Display, Motor Cycle display, Combat Free Fall and Flypast by Army helicopters from Army Aviation unit.

The Army Commander during his address on the occasion, congratulated all the proud awardees and the recipients of unit appreciation for their meritorious service and exhorted all to continue their pursuit for excellence. He also encouraged all ranks to emulate the valour, courage and the dedication displayed by the award winners to make the nation & the Indian Army proud. The Army Commander highlighted the critical role of Southern Command being the oldest and the largest Command of the Indian Army covering nearly 40% of Indian landmass and spread over nine States & three Union Territories. He also mentioned that Southern Command has withstood the test of time and successfully participated in numerous operations with distinction.

The Army Commander interacted with all the award winners and their families and conveyed his gratitude for their phenomenal dedication and commitment towards the service of the nation and also for their outstanding achievements in the line of duty. The Army Commander also interacted with the veteran’s present during the ceremony and expressed his appreciation for their rich legacy, tradition and the contribution rendered by them. He reaffirmed the commitment of Southern Command towards the welfare and well being of the veterans.

The Southern Command Investiture Ceremony and the Army Day Parade 2023 both are being organised at Bengaluru for the first time ever and this proud moment is a tribute to the rich martial tradition and sacrifices of the people of South India.